8th Asia Pacific Glaucoma Congress
24-26 July 2026

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Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society

The Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society (APGS) was established to facilitate contact between glaucoma specialists in the region, to encourage collaborative research and service projects, to increase the opportunities for exchange of skills and knowledge in this rapidly advancing field, and to assist our comprehensive ophthalmological colleagues and other eye care workers (whether medically trained or not) to be up to date with advances in all aspects of glaucoma diagnosis and management.

Glaucoma is the cause of considerable blindness in Asia, and is associated with specific problems in this region: the epidemiology and natural history of this disease differs from that in developed countries elsewhere. In addition, people suffering from Glaucoma in Asia, may have different therapeutic outcomes from their western counterparts.

APGS membership is open to all glaucoma specialists, ophthalmologists, eye care health professionals, doctors with an interest in glaucoma/ophthalmology, researchers in glaucoma, and any incorporated association wishing to support the objectives of the Society.

Benefits of becoming a member will entail discounted registration to the congress, access to the APGC, engage with a wider network of glaucoma specialists, plus much more.

If you are interested in joining, visit the APGS website below to find out more!

Abstract submission deadline extended

Important dates
Submission open: NOW!
Submission close: 1 Dec 2023 Monday 15 January 2024
Author notifications: 15 February 2024