The Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress 2024 is made possible thanks to the following congress hosts: Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology and the Philippine Glaucoma Society. With their support, the APGC program shapes up to be an informative opportunity for delegates to collaborate, share experiences, knowledge and research results whilst also learning about the world’s best practice and the recent innovations helping us overcome challenges in clinical medicine and surgery.

The Academy is the internationally-recognized specialty society of ophthalmologists in the Philippines that exists for the benefit and welfare of its members and the Filipino patients. It aims to ensure access to quality eye care, provided by its competent, qualified members, with the help of other stakeholders, whose continued operations are favorable to the community.
The Academy commits to continuously develop its members professionally through clinical education, research and practice management, in a collegial and harmonious environment, contributing to ethical, professional and compassionate practice. It also aims to influence and produce policies and standards in the furtherance of its goals.
The Academy strives to sustain its commitment to its members and society by promoting growth of its membership and its assets, forging dynamic, relevant, current and innovative approaches to influence local, national and regional eye care.

Philippine Glaucoma Society (PGS)
The Philippine Glaucoma Society (PGS) is composed of ophthalmologists specially trained in glaucoma who are committed to improving the quality of glaucoma care in the Philippines through education, research and exchange of ideas. The PGS provides its members with a venue for sharing knowledge while fostering camaraderie and cooperation.
The Philippine Glaucoma Society organizes and conducts congresses, symposia and instructional courses not only for Filipino ophthalmologists but also for international colleagues during local and international meetings. The PGS is involved in the training of future glaucoma specialists, upholding professional standards for glaucoma care, and promoting glaucoma research in the country. The PGS also works with other health-related and non-health-related organizations to increase public awareness about glaucoma.
The PGS is the glaucoma subspecialty society recognized by the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology and it is the Philippine representative to the World Glaucoma Association and to the Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society.