8th Asia Pacific Glaucoma Congress
24-26 July 2026

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Brady Pharma Inc.

Brady Pharma Inc. is poised for a vertical and horizontal growth, since there are major plans for expansions into other therapeutic fields like, Cardiology, Nephrology, Anticancer, Orthopedics, Pediatrics & OB-Gyn. Brady caters to more than 3000 doctors specialized in Dermatology and Opthalmology. The consumer team of Brady Pharma distribute products to consumers through the retail channels of Mercury, Watsons, SM stores, Rustans etc. We have a well trained, disciplined field force to market the products and a very efficient distribution team to serve the demand generated.

A responsible company, conscious of its duty towards various sections of the society,Brady Pharma nurtures young talents & moulds them to suit the current marketing sales trends, so as to satisfy the customer needs and wants with a most stylish and professional approach.


Abstract submission deadline extended

Important dates
Submission open: NOW!
Submission close: 1 Dec 2023 Monday 15 January 2024
Author notifications: 15 February 2024