8th Asia Pacific Glaucoma Congress
24-26 July 2026

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The Philippine Ophthalmological and Otolaryngological Society (POOS) was established in 1945, becoming the first accredited specialty society by the Philippine Medical Association. Over time, it split into two organizations: the Ophthalmological Society of the Philippines (OSP) and the Philippine Society of Otolaryngology and Broncho-Esophacology (PSOB). This led to the existence of two eye societies, creating confusion for fifteen years until efforts began to unify them. In 1971, the Philippine Society of Ophthalmology (PSO) was formed, merging the two eye societies. In 1992, both PSO and PAOO collaborated to oppose a bill in Congress, marking a pivotal moment in their cooperation. Eventually, in 1995, after extensive deliberations and consultations, the PSO and PAOO merged to form the Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology (PAO), acknowledging the roots of their inception from POOS. This unity symbolized the resolution of past conflicts and the realization of a long-desired goal in the ophthalmic community.


Abstract submission deadline extended

Important dates
Submission open: NOW!
Submission close: 1 Dec 2023 Monday 15 January 2024
Author notifications: 15 February 2024