Do Tan is a chief of glaucoma department in Vietnam national institute of ophthalmology, He works as sub-specialty consultant (glaucoma) and also general consultant, vitreo-retinal consultant; he is capable of using many kinds of laser: ALT, SLT, Laser peripheral iridotomy, trans-scleral cyclodestruction, Laser iridoplasty… and at the same time, being a competent surgeon with various types of surgery; experience of about 15 000 phacos, 3 000 trabeculectomies, nearly 1000 deep sclerectomies, 500 scleral buckling, 2000 vitrectomies for Malgnant Glaucoma, RD, endophthalmitis, familiar with every kind of phaco machines: from simplest to very modern ones like: Millennium, Infinity, Sovereign, Centurion; vitrectomy machines: Nidek, Accurus,Constellation. Being an expert in using quick-chop technique for hard and very hard cataracts and in doing Endoscopy assisted vitrectomy for malignant glaucoma, intraocular infection and retinal detachment. In addition, he is also a enthusiastic researcher and is spending a lot of time involving in some regional and international studies as TVT Asia, QPI 1007, Genetics in glaucoma. He contributed as main authors and co-authors in some highly cited publications on Journal of Glaucoma, Clinical Ophthalmology, JAMA Ophhthalmology and Nature Genetics.