8th Asia Pacific Glaucoma Congress
24-26 July 2026

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Paul Singh

United States of America

Dr. I. Paul Singh, a Wisconsin native, joined The Eye Centers of Racine and Kenosha, founded in 1981 by his father, Dr. Kanwar A. Singh, in 2004 as the areas only glaucoma specialist, graduating from the Duke University fellowship program. Throughout his Ophthalmology career, Dr. I. Paul Singh has been involved with clinical research and has published papers in several ophthalmology journals. He has also presented his research at various national meetings and universities around the world. Dr. I. Paul Singh has a passion for advancing education and technology. He has brought several new technologies to the Racine and Kenosha areas, through adoption and research. Dr. Singh is the first ophthalmologist in the state of Wisconsin to implant the iStent and Hydrus glaucoma drainage devices, perform viscodilation and trabeculotomy with the OMNI device, and goniotomy with the Kahook Dual Blade, and recently the Streamline device. He was the first surgeon in Wisconsin to use novel drug delivery products for glaucoma and for inflammation, such as Durysta, Dextenza and Dexycu. He has also pioneered the use of in-office lasers to remove visually significant floaters. Recently, he set up the world’s first 3D heads up in office surgical suite. He enjoys giving lectures and teaching seminars around the globe to help other doctors adopt these and other newer technologies and techniques. Recently Dr. Singh was listed as one of the Top 100 ophthalmologists in the United States according to Newsweek magazine.

Although Dr. I. Paul Singh is an ophthalmologist by profession, He is also a founding member of the band, Funkadesi, which mixes Indo-Afro-Caribbean styles of music. The band tours the world spreading the message “one family, many children.” Dr. I. Paul Singh is also an avid tennis player, playing four years in college, and continuing to play on USTA leagues today. He enjoys music and sports with his wife and three children at home. He often remarks, “Kids seem to put life in perspective.”

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Submission open: NOW!
Submission close: 1 Dec 2023 Monday 15 January 2024
Author notifications: 15 February 2024