8th Asia Pacific Glaucoma Congress
24-26 July 2026

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Tin Aung

Singapore National Eye Centre


Professor Tin AUNG

MBBS (Singapore), FRCS(Ed), FRCOphth (UK), MMed (Ophth) (Singapore), FAM (Singapore), PhD (London)

Professor Aung is currently:
1.Chief Executive Officer, Singapore National Eye Centre
2.Academic Chair, Eye Academic Clinical Program, Duke-NUS Medical School
3.‘Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple’ Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology, Duke-NUS Medical School
4.Senior Consultant, Glaucoma Department, Singapore National Eye Centre
5.Principal Investigator and Chairman of Board, Singapore Eye Research Institute

Having obtained his MBBS from the National University of Singapore, Prof Aung obtained the Fellowships of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in 1997. He completed a glaucoma fellowship in the Singapore National Eye Centre from 1999-2000, and from 2000-2003, he trained at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London and Moorfields Eye Hospital; and was awarded a PhD in Molecular Genetics from University College London in 2004.

Professor Aung is a clinician scientist, with clinical practice focusing on glaucoma and research interests in angle closure glaucoma and glaucoma genetics. With >650 publications, Professor Aung has been awarded >US$20 million in competitive research grant funding. Prof Aung has set up multinational international consortia that have identified novel genes associated with primary angle closure and open angle glaucoma as well as exfoliation syndrome, with multiple publications in Nature Genetics and JAMA. He has received numerous awards including the Singapore Translational Research (STaR) Investigator Award, the Singapore National Medical Research Council-Clinician Scientist Award, the President’s Science Award, the Nakajima and De Campo Awards from the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, the Alcon Research Institute Award and the Robert Ritch Award for Excellence and Innovation in Glaucoma from the Glaucoma Foundation.

Professor Aung is a member of the Editorial Boards of the following journals: Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology Glaucoma, Eye, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, and 6 other journals. He is a past President of the World Glaucoma Association and also serves as a Board member of the Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society and President of the Asian Angle Closure Glaucoma Club.

Abstract submission deadline extended

Important dates
Submission open: NOW!
Submission close: 1 Dec 2023 Monday 15 January 2024
Author notifications: 15 February 2024